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Making a Difference
Bærekraft | Sustainabilety | Discover Norway
Photo: Mattias Fredriksson

Hiking, biking and skiing are environmentally friendly modes of transportation that helps conserve wildlife by slow speed and silent behaviour.  
There is no pollution. That way, active vacations help keep our land, sea, and waterways cleaner. 
Moving around, using your own muscles reduces energy consumption and E-bikes promote the use of renewable energy sources. By reducing the use of fossil fuels, you help to lower carbon emissions, which are a significant contributor to climate change and wildlife habitat destruction. 

Additionally, the use of bicycles in place of cars and other vehicles can help reduce the demand for oil and other finite resources, which will encourage the development and use of more sustainable and renewable energy sources. By reducing energy consumption, bicycling also helps to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming and climate change.

Lastly, hiking, biking and skiing make transportation more enjoyable and sustainable. It not only provides a low-impact and healthful way to get from one place to another, but also allows for the discovery of new landscapes, people, and communities. Whether for commuting, touring, or simply exploring, this provides a unique opportunity to engage with the world in a sustainable and meaningful way. In short, this is a simple, effective way to conserve wildlife, free the environment from pollution, reduce energy consumption, and promote sustainability.

Sykkeltur langs Ishavskysten | Arctic Coast Cycling | Discover Norway
Photo: Marmelkroken

We are a small, privately owned company, located in Lillehammer, Norway. We have our office in “FABRIKKEN”, an old factory premises that have been converted into offices, studios and public spaces. The building houses 30 small businesses within the art-, culture- and adventure industry. This is a low-cost community with a high interest in supporting and maintaining good cooperation within creative industries. Our premises are close to public transportation, and we all focus on low energy consumption and recycling.

If possible, we choose traditional, locally owned accommodations in small places. In this way, we help maintain living communities.
Our activity contributes to local employment related to accommodation, dining and equipment. We also encourage our guests to visit local galleries and museums. 
We provide some information on local arts and crafts and support the local economy by recommending guided excursions and activities.

Where transport is necessary, we always encourage our guests to use public transport. Where this is not possible, we use local providers of transport.


Any questions regarding Discover Norway's Sustainability Policy

Please contact us